Kvietimas į "Esztergom Cup 2015", Vengrijoje

2015 m. gegužės 1-3 dienomis Esztergom mieste (Vengrijoje) vyks XXVIII-sis tarptautinis krepšinio veteranų turnyras „ESZTERGOM CUP“.

Dear Sportfriends,
It's time for the 28.Esztergom-Cup 2015 to announce.

Due to an unexpected occasion in 2014, our Tournament this year will be organised as Memorial Tournament.
We have been informed about the sad news in September that our good friend Gaby Geisl passed away. Therefore our Tournament this year will be dedicated to the honor and memory of Gaby Geisl.
She was herself a participant of the Tournament for 20 years.

I'm happy to invite you for our Tournament in Esztergom in 2015.

Warm greetings from the Danube City of Esztergom
Dr. Lazlo v Hartl, Esztergom Kosarlabda Sportclub President

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